Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Game 32, 33, Off day, Game 34, and 35

So this past weekend I was busy moving out and movie back into my house. I did not have anytime to get on my computer, and even if I did have time I couldn't because my computer was packed. Anyways, so I missed a lose, a win and another lose. So they are playing the Blue Jays now, the first place Blue Jays. Lets see how it goes.

After giving up 1 run in the first, the Yankees have a huge inning. Cabrera started it off with a double and scored with a Gardner home run. Then Pena triples (playing shortstop for Jeter) and scores off a Damon triple. Teixeira scores Damon with a double. Good inning. In the forth Damon scores after hitting a double, advanced on Swishers ground out, then scores on Teixeiras sacrifice fly. In the fifth, after giving up a run in the bottom of the forth, Cano doubles and scores on a Gardner triple. Then Gardner scores on a Cervelli single. 8-2.

And that is how it ends.

Pettitte pitched 6 all right innings. He walked 4, gave up 5 hits, 2 runs (only 1 earned), and had only 2 strike outs. Teixeira had a good game going 2-4 with a double, a single and 2 RBIs. Gardner also had a good game, going 2-3 with a home run, his first triple, and 3 RBIs.

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