Thursday, April 30, 2009

A-Rod Book..and nothing else, the whole A-Rod situation

So there is this book that is coming out soon that claims that Alex took steroids after and before he claims. While the Yankees were down in Tampa I was up in Indiana. It was a Sunday morning, I remember because I was in no hurry to get up. Anyways, I turned on ESPN to listen to them talk about Yankees Stadium or Yankee tickets or whatever they could crop up in the off season because they always have something to talk about that deals with the Yankees. What I saw still haunts me whenever I turn on ESPN. Alex Rodriguez, admits steroid use! What?! He had admitted it while the team was in spring training and, well, I don't really know the exact reason he admitted it.

Well that admittance has really come back to bite him. I mean ya it's great he came out with it, doesn't have to live a lie anymore, can relax a bit without something like that on his chest. But this book that is coming out claims he did use steroids, but he is still lying. Now it could just be the article I read but the writer seems to me like this Selena Roberts is just getting into his life when she shouldn't be. This is kind of why I hate reporters. Sometimes they get ahead of themselves and get into things they shouldn't. I just read an article about how she confronted Alex earlier this year about the initial steroid use.

(This is after she flew from NY to Miami) "In any event, she drove on in, drove by A-Rod’s house, and it didn’t look, from the outside, that anyone was home. No dice. Off to Plan B. She had heard about his morning workout routines at the University of Miami gym. So she went there and identified herself to the guy at the front desk. He told her Mr. Rodriguez was working out in the back."

"A Rod wasn’t cooperating with the book, but he knew her going back to her Times days. She knew he would recognize her immediately. He had just finished lifting some weights, and he was doing some stretching, with a friend and a trainer. The music was loud. How possible would it be to speak to him without anyone overhearing? But when he saw her out of the corner of his eye, he wasn’t happy. Ms. Roberts presented the facts to him. Big story. Several sources. She heard he tested positive for steroids in 2003. Care to comment? “You’ll have to talk to the union,” he said."

Creepy, I mean, I would not want anyone driving to my house, driving around town to find me to confront me about my life. Sorry but seems to me like some people need lives outside of A-Rods life. And here she is, publishing a book, that A-Rods story is still wrong. It doesn't matter if she is wrong and will have to retract it, it's like acquiting a criminal. It doesn't matter that he was found innocent, the damage is down, he was suspected.

In my opinion, he was caught, all right so why lie further. I don't understand because if I was caught I'd like to get it all out so nothing comes back, so this is either her being not cool and just getting her name on things or he messed up. Lets see how it goes, poor A-Rod no matter how it is settled.

Media Sucks.

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